Foreclosure Assistance And Mediation Services In Vermont
Mortgage foreclosure — Our firm has substantial experience in foreclosure actions, having represented banks, credit unions and other lenders in hundreds of foreclosure actions dating back to the 1980s, from the very inception of a foreclosure action through to the end, including the conveyance of the subject property to either the high bidder at a public auction or to the mortgagee (the lender) by way of a confirmation order or in exceptional circumstances, a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
The Vermont foreclosure statute is more complicated than most other states, and the legal filings have to be just exactly right or you will be forced to start your foreclosure action over again.
We strive to make all court filings as timely as possible, to move the foreclosure action along expediently and to be available and answer our client’s questions as quickly as possible either by phone or email.
Mediation — We also offer mediation services for civil actions and in particular foreclosure mediations. Vermont has mandated mediations in foreclosures involving one to four family owner-occupied principal residences since July 1, 2010. David Polow has been a foreclosure mediator in many foreclosures, and can help both a lender and a borrower with the mediation process with the goal of either a loan modification or a completion of the foreclosure. We take an active approach to the mediation process with a goal of a mediation occurring as quickly as possible within the parameters of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure and the foreclosure statute.